"RRR" is a big Indian movie set in the 1920s, showcasing the lives of two legendary freedom fighters, Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem. The film follows their journey and friendship as they fight against the British Raj and the Nizam of Hyderabad. With stunning visuals, powerful performances, and thrilling action scenes, "RRR" offers a mix of patriotism, friendship, and heroism. It's a must-watch for those who enjoy epic historical dramas with a touch of Bollywood flair.
RRR is a very good movie and goes with friend ship.
During the British era, Malli, a small tribal girl, is taken away by British governor Scott Buxton and his wife Catherine against the wishes of her mother. Rama Raju is an Indian cop who works for the British army; for him duty comes first, and he is very ruthless to revolutionary Indians but is never given his due by British government.
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