Indian true crime drama.” The film is set in the red light district of 1960s Mumbai and revolves around Gangubai (played by Alia Bhatt), a sex worker who rises through the ranks to become a madam and an advocate. The review praises Alia Bhatt’s magnetic performance, portraying Gangu with a cool, that turns grown men into boys. Gangubai Kathiawadi may be exaggerated and dramatized, but it is an epic and moving history of a woman and women that would otherwise be ignored and forgotten. "Gangubai Kathiawadi" is a movie that tells the story of Gangubai, a woman who rises from a tough background to become a powerful figure in the underworld of Mumbai. It's based on a true story. The film shows her struggles, her rise to power, and her determination to succeed against all odds. There are strong performances and the movie gives a glimpse into the gritty reality of life in the underworld. It's a gripping and emotional tale that keeps you engaged throughout. If you like s...